Sustentacula, "Annunciation" from Weeping Peepers, 2012
Herbie Hancock, "Rain Dance" from Sextant, 1973
Wastemusic, "Stepping Down" from The Temptation To Exist, 2012
Hammer of Hathor, "Monsterpiece" from Saw Isoceles, 2012
Lungfish, "Hallucinatorium" from The Unanimous Hour, 1999
Eternal Tapestry, "Wholeodome" from Dawn in 2 Dimensions, 2012
Kelvin Pittman, "A.r.c.H. v.1/2 (DJ G-gnome remix)", 2012
Cellular Chaos, "provisionally titled 'Round'" from Cellular Chaos - Demo Live 5.12.11, 2011
Cortex Bomb, "Times Square" from Need to Scream Have No Mouth, 1999
- DJ Nic takes the controls for 33 minutes -
STS9, "Music, Us" from Artifact, 2005
Iron and Wine, "Boy With a Coin" from The Shepard's Dog, 2007
DJ Shadow, "Stem/Long Stem" from Endtroducing..., 1996
David Gilmour, "Raise My Rent" from David Gilmour, 1978
Ray Lynch, "Her Knees Deep in Your Mind" from Best of Ray Lynch - Volume One, 1998
Moody Blues, "Have You Heard" from On The Threshold of a Dream, 1969
Jeff Buckley, "Lilac Wine" from Grace, 1994
DJ Shadow, "Building Steam with a Grain of Salt" from Entroducing..., 1996
- Gregg Skloff back on -
Growing, "Life in D" from The Sky's Run Into the Sea, 2003
Stephen Vitiello with Pauline Oliveros & Joe McPhee, "SV+PO+JM 1"
This Heat, "The Fall Of Saigon" from This Heat, 1979