Pyramids on Mars, "Shenek Eul Ram" from Lines, 2000
Why I Must Be Careful, "Syllabic" from 2009-10-27 Valentine's (Bootlegs by Scragz), 2009
Kin Trio, "Atlanta" from 10.30.11 live at the blue note, 2011
Savage Republic, "Attempted Coup: Madagascar" from Tragic Figures, 1982
Ryan Albert Miller, "Anthropomorphic Love" from Brittle Star City, 2011
Balls, "Bring Me The Foreskin Of George Lincoln Rockwell" from We Will Grow On You, 1991
I.D. Company, "Schwarzes Insekt" from I.D. Company, 1970
Tim DuRoche & Michael Stirling, "A small iridescent sphere of almost unbearable brilliance", 2011
Graham Haynes, "Simplicity" from Tones for the 21st Century, 1997
Arrington de Dionyso & Thollem McDonas, "Birth Magic and Rot" from Ten Thousand Tigers, 2012
Milford Graves, "Together And Moving" from Meditation Among Us, 1977
Derek M. Johnson, "Cello/Matrix" from Cello Sampler, 2006