Myth-Science, "Love on a Faraway Planet" from Love In Outer Space, 1995
Soft Teeth, "A Toothsome Mouthful" from Mudwagon: A Blackmetalfreejazzimprov Compilation Vol. I, 2009
Sielaff/Schonberg, "Trek" (single), 2009
Iannis Xenakis, "Orient-Occident" from Electronic Music, 1997
Ben Vida, "Soft Epic, or Savages of the Pacific West" from Soft Epic, 2011
Thollem McDonas & Stefano Scodanibbio, "Dreaming of Dreaming" from On Debussy's Piano and..., 2010
Aki Onda, "Mute Sphere" from Clandestine Cassette Series # Two, 2011
Beck, "Harry Partch" (single), 2009
Laurie Spiegel, "The Expanding Universe" from The Expanding Universe, 1980
Sudden Oak, "Starching a petal" from Mudwagon: A Blackmetalfreejazzimprov Compilation Vol. I, 2009
A Hawk and a Hacksaw, "Portlandtown" from Darkness At Noon, 2005